Heyo, just your friendly neighborhood designer here! I am what you call a “Jack-of-all-trades” type of designer. If you need a website, app design, cover art, merch, stickers, logo, branding or anything under the sun, I will take it on. I find passion in helping start-ups get to where they need to be and overall, get them out there to the public! With every project I find it essential to keep it simple, unique, functional, and most importantly make it make sense for everyone.

I have assisted companies such as The Freedom Project, Nails Perfection & Spa, AETools and Computers, and more with creative consultation, brand collateral, social media campaign strategy and design, illustrations, web development, and merch design. These experiences have helped me gain valuable insight in real-world design that is both a selling point and humanistic in nature.

I currently work throughout the local scene of Kansas, Missouri and expanding outside of both states to enhance my creative thinking, learn more about the communities and companies I help, and develop more skill in my craft. With this I aim to keep producing results

Heyo, I'm



Chill Guy



Visual Designer

Logo Machine

Dog Dad

Adaptive Learner

Tech Head

Web Designer

Deliberate Thinker


Son of Immigrants

Community Oriented

Optimistic Realist

UX & UI Designer

  • Client Work

  • Client Work

Web Design

Shirt Designs

Brand Design

Brand Identity / Website

Client Projects

(Mi Chamba)

Brands I Brought Vida Into

Micro Branding

A quick starter package that helps you get your business going asap!


Complete logo

2 variations of logo

Brand colors

Business card design

Mini Brand Guide

Time Frame

1-2 Weeks

Brand Package

You have your business ready to go and want to give it 100%, this is it!


Complete logo
3 variations of logo
Brand colors
3-4 Brand design assets
Complete Brand Guide
Web/ App Design

Time Frame

1-4 Weeks

Whole 9-Yards

Get your brand going 150% with some more goodies and a full website.


Everything from the
Brand Package
Web Development
Custom Icons
Additional design assets

Time Frame

4+ Weeks

Looking For A Designer?

If you want to get get your brand moving and grooving, let’s get together and make something beautiful! Here are my packages and some al a carte style choices in case you don’t need a whole make-over. (Pricing varies per client)

Al a Carte

Don’t see what you need? Let’s talk and see what I can do for ya!

Follow The Feed

Feel free to follow my social pages. I usually post some more dope stuff there!

Insta Feed

Available for Work

Let’s Collab!

Let’s bring some vida to your brand, please feel free to get in touch! If you have any questions, we got answers for ya!